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News - Jun 2, 2023

Tremor Launches Wordings™ to Digitize Reinsurance Contract Negotiation

Tremor Technologies, Inc., the leading online reinsurance pricing and placing platform, has followed up its groundbreaking in-marketplace communications platform launch with a powerful solution to completely digitize the reinsurance contract negotiation and approval process with its release of Tremor Wordings™. “A well known industry pain point, negotiating and finalizing contract wordings for traditional reinsurance placements involves dozens of versions of documents with out of synch track changes, roughly managed with spreadsheets exchanged between insurers, brokers and reinsurers.
News - May 17, 2023

Tremor Launches Marketplace-Embedded TremorTalk™ Communications Platform

Tremor Technologies, Inc., the leading online reinsurance pricing and placing platform, has announced the launch of TremorTalk™ an embedded end-to-end modern communications platform within the Tremor marketplace. “Disconnected emails, spreadsheets and third party data administration applications end up becoming a really frustrating game of telephone tag during the traditional reinsurance placement process. What reinsurance buyers and sellers want is a simple, intuitive communication single source of truth coupled with modern price discovery and optimal allocation.
News - May 4, 2023

Tremor Releases Boost!™ to Close the Gap on Short Placements

The last mile is often the hardest when placing reinsurance. Inevitably, some risk is popular while other risk is not – for the risk that is unpopular, you need to call on select markets to close the gap. The thing is, whom do you call? Call on one and ask for a big favor? Take the time to call 5 or 10 and hope for the best? With the traditional FOT process, it’s a guessing game, and the markets who do help you will accept an allocation that is substantially different from what they originally wanted.
News - Apr 12, 2023

Tremor Launches Division to Address Residual Insurance Markets

Tremor Technologies, Inc., the leading online reinsurance pricing and placing platform, has announced the launch of Tremor Public™ to address residual insurance markets which are publicly funded insurers of “last resort” when coverage in the traditional market is not available to consumers and businesses. “Tax payer funded, not for profit insurance companies deserve full transparency for their substantial reinsurance purchases - true market clearing prices that the public can understand powered by competitive market forces, exactly what Tremor delivers!
News - Mar 30, 2023

Tremor Launches Modern Cat Bond Issuance Platform

Tremor Technologies, Inc., the leading online reinsurance pricing and placing platform, has launched a modern cat bond issuance platform called Tremor Issuer™, powered by its Panorama marketplace technology. Tremor Issuer™ is an online application part of the suite of Tremor services which can be accessed online by investors, issuers, bankers and brokers. “In the last two weeks alone, we have seen four cat bonds price 15% or more below initial guidance.
News - Mar 22, 2023

Tremor Launches Revolutionary Cross-Placement Optimization Tools

Tremor Technologies, Inc., the leading online reinsurance pricing and placing platform, has launched powerful cross-placement optimization tools enabling reinsurance buyers to get best execution for all of their reinsurance placements simultaneously. “Reinsuring a risk or treaty is never contemplated in isolation. Every decision to transfer risk is made considering the overall portfolios of both the insurer ceding the risk and the reinsurer taking it on. Most reinsurers prefer to take on a diverse slice of a cedent’s risk, and most cedents need reinsurance across their entire portfolio.
News - Dec 9, 2022

Tremor Reinsurance Capacity Offered in Under 72 Hours on Average

Tremor Technologies, Inc., the leading online reinsurance pricing and placing platform, has presented its aggregate marketplace data demonstrating the speed of accessing complete program capacity. On average, half of participating reinsurers on a Tremor placement authorize capacity within a day and full program capacity is received in less than 72 hours. This is in stark contrast to traditional placements, many of which are struggling to attract enough capacity at all in the current market environment.
Blog - Nov 17, 2022

Authorization strategies for XoL placements

As a reinsurer, Tremor’s powerful authorization tools uniquely allow you to control your allocation while having a strong voice in the placement process. We recently discussed how to use supply curves to control your allocation and how Tremor gives you a stronger voice in the placement process – in this post, we will focus on excess of loss (XoL) towers and highlight a few of the the higher-level strategies that Tremor’s authorization tools make possible, including:
Blog - Oct 13, 2022

The reinsurer voice

Reinsurers are price takers in the firm order terms (FOT) process. The cedent sets pricing and then solicits authorizations from reinsurers – while coverage terms may be negotiated, prices are held firm. Even when reinsurers are invited to quote before terms are set, final pricing is driven largely by broker models and advice. Pure price-taking is a compromise in any market. It simplifies the process but limits the breadth of ways that buyers and sellers can come to terms.
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